Thursday, January 28, 2010 and Hunger Banquet Planning

During today's meeting, we had visitors from, the winner of the 2009 Social Venture Competition hosted by the Marriott School of Business. Tipping Bucket uses technologies that let people give donations as small as a dollar to a project submitted by a social entrepreneur. Each project has to set a goal to have raised a certain amount of money by a certain deadline. If the donor cannot get the money by the deadline, none of the people who pledged money will be charged.
The website is still being developed and they would like feedback on it. Click on the feedback button on the website to tell them what you think. Because the website is still being developed, you can't donate to any projects yet but it should be running in the next few months.
The remainder of the meeting was devoted to hunger banquet planning. A few issues were brought up to the general group. We discussed different ideas about whether or not to have characters such as "greed" during the hunger banquet. In past years, we have had characters represent greed by taking food from people during the banquet. We have also had people act like "poverty tourists" walk around and take pictures of people.
We also discussed  several other issues as an entire club. Then, we had each committee meet and make plans. Most of our committees would love to have more members, so please come and help out with this great cause! Also, remember the deadline for the creative competition is quickly approaching so work on entries you would like to submit for $200 you can put in your pocket or give to an ngo.

1 comment:

  1. HEY! check out byu hawaii's sid blog! how fun is that! :) sid friends overseas :)
