A few of your SID officers have compiled some major points concerning International Development from the top Republican, Democratic, and leading Utah candidate in the United State's 2016 Presidential election. Get informed and up-to-date and come to our next activity where we will discuss how the US government is involved in development through aid organizations like USAID.
Read through their positions and decide for yourself, who should really be our next president? Each of the three candidates- Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Evan McMullin- have been assessed on these 4 categories:
Refugees and Immigration
Conflict in the Middle East
Climate Change
and Domestic Poverty
What does the 2016 presidential election mean for international development?
Hillary Clinton
Refugees and Immigration
Clinton states that she has 9 goals concerning refugees and immigration. Her campaign platform states that she will: Introduce comprehensive immigration reform, end the three- and 10-year bars, defend President Obama’s executive actions—known as DACA and DAPA—against partisan attacks, do everything possible under the law to protect families, enforce immigration laws humanely, end family detention and close private immigration detention centers, expand access to affordable health care to all families, promote naturalization, and support immigrant integration. At the core of her decisions concerning reform is this statement: “We are a nation of immigrants, and we treat those who come to our country with dignity and respect—and that we embrace immigrants, not denigrate them.”
Conflict in the Middle East
Great site for a clear comparative between the two candidates’ stand on foreign policies on several target countries (Can probably put this on both):
Hillary Clinton’s record on Middle East conflict intervention makes a stark contrast compare to her chief-President Obama. She has pushed for U.S. intervention in Libya and urged the commander-in-chief to take military action against the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. The Obama Administration, however, chose to stay safely within the borders of restrain and retrenchment. Earlier this year, Clinton spoke before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, laying plans of foreign intervention which indicates a likely hawkish approach if she won the Oval Office’s seat. One of Clinton’s most controversial comments regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict signals that she’ll give greater support to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Political analysts recognize a crucial part of Clinton’s path to gaining Bernie Sanders and President Obama’s supporters includes a more evenhanded role between Israel and Palestine.
HILLARY CLINTON: We may not have always agreed on every detail, but we’ve always shared an unwavering, unshakable commitment to our alliance and to Israel’s future as a secure and democratic homeland for the Jewish people.
— March 21 AIPAC speech in Washington » (Speech is linked below)
Climate Change
The video linked below describes the impact of climate change on the poor. Check it out!
Clinton aims to reduce US greenhouse gas emissions by up to 30% by 2025 and 80% by 2050 by regulating pollution and establishing efficiency standards. If achieved, this would drastically reduce global emissions as the US and China emit almost 40% of the world’s greenhouse gases. She has promised to launch a $60 billion Clean Energy Challenge to provide competitive grants and awards to states and communities that cut CO2 emissions and expand clean energy, especially solar power, as well as provide tax incentives for clean energy. Policy analysts critique the plan, as to meet the ambitious goals Clinton would have to get legislation through Congress to mandate renewable power or tax greenhouse gas, legislation that has flopped in the past.
Domestic Poverty
Hillary Clinton’s stance on domestic taxes pay regard to small businesses and low-income families. Her goal is to provide tax-relief to working families, cut costs for small and growing businesses, and close the private tax loopholes that favor the wealthy. Her jobs package will include a $50 billion investment in youth employment programs, reentry support for the formerly incarcerated, and entrepreneurship and small-business growth in underserved communities. She wants to raise minimum wage and ensure that no family has to pay more than 10% of their income on childcare. She defends social security and will expand the benefits of it to those who need it most.
Donald Trump
Refugees and Immigration
Trump chooses to focus on the current citizens of the States, making sure they are offered the first job opportunities. To do this, his platform has released a “10 Point Plan to Put America First:”
1. Begin working on an impenetrable physical wall on the southern border, on day one. Mexico will pay for the wall.
2. End catch-and-release. Under a Trump administration, anyone who illegally crosses the border will be detained until they are removed out of our country.
3. Move criminal aliens out day one, in joint operations with local, state, and federal law enforcement. We will terminate the Obama administration’s deadly, non-enforcement policies that allow thousands of criminal aliens to freely roam our streets.
4. End sanctuary cities.
5. Immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties. All immigration laws will be enforced - we will triple the number of ICE agents. Anyone who enters the U.S. illegally is subject to deportation. That is what it means to have laws and to have a country.
6. Suspend the issuance of visas to any place where adequate screening cannot occur, until proven and effective vetting mechanisms can be put into place.
7. Ensure that other countries take their people back when we order them deported.
8. Ensure that a biometric entry-exit visa tracking system is fully implemented at all land, air, and sea ports.
9. Turn off the jobs and benefits magnet. Many immigrants come to the U.S. illegally in search of jobs, even though federal law prohibits the employment of illegal immigrants.
10. Reform legal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its workers, keeping immigration levels within historic norms.
Conflict in the Middle East
Great site for a clear comparative between the two candidates’ stand on foreign policies on several target countries
Donald Trump’s proposed solution sounds simple but leaves room for greater negative repercussions. He has said America will with side with any nation who would join effort with us to oust ISIS. Yet, his invitation would mean that few of the parties with conflicting interest, for example a mutual strengthening of Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah equals potential for catastrophic destruction in the region, particularly Jerusalem. Mr. Trump has seesawed his position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He first expressed greater support for Israel, then changed to remaining neutral during the peace talks. Later, he voiced that neutrality would be difficult to achieve. Although Mr. Trump is a loud critique of both the Iran deal and U.S. involvement in Iraq, he has no clear plan on how he would handle the situation differently. His suggested resolution revolves more around increasing the numbers of sanctions on Iran, etc.
DONALD TRUMP “When I become president, the days of treating Israel like a second-class citizen will end on day one.”— March 21 speech in Washington, D.C.
Climate Change
On his website, Trump opposes continuing President Obama’s goals to reduce methane emissions by 40-45%, as he says they will drastically increase the cost of natural gas. Instead, he proposes that the government encourage the use of natural gas and oil, which he claims will reduce emissions along with the price of energy. Trump has also tweeted extensively regarding climate change:
Domestic Poverty
Donald Trump’s domestic initiatives for family welfare include a Childcare rebate to low-income households, a tax deduction for working parents concerning childcare and elderly care, and tax reductions across the board with a “massive tax reduction” for working and middle-income families. He would like to make our business tax rate more competitive to keep jobs in America and the Trump Plan will lower the business tax rate from 35 percent to 15 percent, and eliminate the corporate alternative minimum tax. This rate is available to all businesses, both small and large, that want to retain the profits within the business.
Estimates report that Trump’s plan will increase the economy and grow jobs by almost 2 million. Source: donaldjtrump.comEvan McMullin
Refugees and Immigration
McMullin wants “to secure [the] border first and foremost,” which involves “whatever it takes to secure our border with Mexico.” To McMullin this “does not mean deporting 11 million people” but reforming legal immigration. His vision is that the law will be fairly enforced, checking immigrant workers with eVerify to ascertain that they are legal. Non-criminal illegal immigrants should identify themselves and register themselves to begin the process of gaining citizenship. He fully supports making a better legal pathway for this to be achieved, because he believes that “Immigrants and their children have a long record of hard work, starting businesses, and creating jobs” within the States. He stated “there is a lot of unjustified hysteria around the refugee situation” and believes that his refugee system would be safe, after working with the CIA for 10 years and seeing that terrorists could infiltrate the country using much quicker and easier methods.
Sources: https://www.evanmcmullin.com/immigration https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=390&v=0wOqloTZfTw (starting at 3:30)
Conflict in the Middle East
Evan McMullin says neither candidate can provide the White House with adequate leadership to maintain U.S. position in the world. McMullin argues that Muslims, whether Americans or overseas, are the key to counter terrorism. He recommended to first limit the power of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. Mr. McMullin proposed no specific plans on possible replacement for the Middle East autocrat or plans to stave off the power-hungry Saudi Arabia and Iran, but he suggested a stronger presence in the region. He says America’s presence will send a clear message to allies to increase their intervention, therefore diminishing Russian influence. His overall approach for foreign policy centers around greater intervention and taking the leading role.
Climate Change
McMullin says he is concerned about climate change, but opposes President Obama’s response that he claims has been economically costly. His campaign does not offer many specifics beyond this, saying only that he would focus on promoting innovation through investing in basic research.
Domestic Poverty
Evan McMullin claims that economic growth is the best long-term solution to poverty in America. He is addressing three main roadblocks that he believes are hindering America’s economy. His plan is to simplify and make more fair the tax code to help small businesses and create jobs. This includes cutting small business’ taxes and also the corporate tax. The middle class deserves an income-tax break. He believes that supplementing paychecks for the poor is a better option than raising minimum wage because of the loss of jobs that would result. His stance on nationwide medicare is that the power should be given to the states to distribute and fund so that spending is better regulated and that every citizen be given access to medical insurance without substantial costs.
Researched and Assembled by: Adrian, Lucy, Elise, Claudia, and Julia
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