Greg Mortenson's forum on Tuesday generated a lot of interest in development on campus. If you missed it, here it is, courtesy of BYU Broadcasting. Also, there's a nice summary of the forum in the Daily Universe and the Deseret Morning News. Also, today's Daily Universe had an excellent letter to the editor from one student who was glad he took the time to listed to Mr. Morteneson. I have talked to many people who have made similar comments.
Yesterday's New York Times, had a great op-ed piece praising the efforts of Greg Mortenson and suggesting that more people like him could transform the situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Readers, what were your thoughts after the forum? What reactions have you seen on campus? What evidence have you seen of his argument that peace can be built through development?
I thought that he did a phenomenal job at encouraging students to make change. I especially appreciate his practical advice. Two highlights: (1) Spend this time to figure out your problems, then go assist others and (2) "Think out of the box, and live out of the box."