Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Hey SIDers!

Thursday's (Dec. 10th) meeting will be our last of the semester. We'll be collaborating on ideas and vision for Hunger Banquet next semester. There will be Mexican Hot Chocolate and treats! We'll be back in room 238 HRCB, from 7:30-8:30 pm. 

For all of those interested in serving as a Hunger Banquet Committee Chair, please email byu.sid@gmail.com with the following:

1. Your name
2. List, in ranked order, the committees in which you'd like to serve
3. Explain why you would be a good fit for these positions as well as how your schedule will allow you to commit to the hours described.

Submissions are due WEDNESDAY, December 9th at NOON. 

Hunger Banquet Committee Chairs will be notified by email by Wednesday night at midnight.
We will hold a planning meeting with HB CMTE chairs on Thursday from 6:30-7:15, in 238 HRCB.


Mike, Rilee and Peter


Hunger Banquet Committee Chairs 

Advertising: (Large commitment - 5-6 hours/week, before event)

1. Work with creative competition and presidency to establish the brand
2. Disperse advertising material for creative competition
3. Transition to advertising for the event (two weeks prior to event)
4. Work with designers on plans for flyers, posters, tickets, etc. maintain the branding look from creative competition.
5. Your main job isn't design - but promotion! You need to be organized to get people motivated to knock on doors, figure out how we can NOT get trapped by BYUSA elections. Innovation in promotion.

Creative Competition: (Large commitment - 4-5 hours/week, February = main commitment time)

1. Coordinating advertising efforts for the creative competition.
2. Coordinating gallery spaces.
3. Working with Kennedy Center to prepare for display.
4. Organizing how to collect entries, where to store them, how to store them, etc.
5. Help coordinate judging panel.

Food: (Very large commitment - 5-6 hours/week, before and during event)

1. Requires being very assertive and professional, working with many business owners representing BYU and SID and the Kennnedy Center.
2. We need to be 100% sure we are in compliance with ALL health and food-handling regulations/policies.
3. Develop a method for requesting donations. Find someone that is qualified to do this. (Has experience working with restaurants and/or community donations.)
4. Plan menu for night of based on potential food donors.  Coordinate how this food will be kept fresh, warm, how it will be disbursed during the banquet to the different social groups, etc.

5. Pick up food a day prior and store it in the kitchen (must get permission from BYU Catering).

6. Recruit and coordinate volunteers to prepare and serve the food.  

- (medium commitment - 2-3 hours/week - before and during event)

1. prepare a list of potential groups, find out who can actually come
2. with approval, select 4 groups
3. coordinate light and sound with OIT
4. assemble a soundtrack for the night
5. prepare for hosting entertainers, thank you notes for entertainers

Involvement (Medium commitment - 3-4 hours/week - before and during event)

1. Coordinate the NGO fair
2. Manage ticket sales
3. Coordinate ushers and seating
4. Find ways to help people get involved in SID and other development efforts

Mood: (Medium commitment: 3-4 hours/week - before and especially during)

1. Work with Creative Competition to plan for artwork displays at banquet
2. Work with presidency to establish ways in which decor and the mood will match this years theme
3. Develop design plan - coordinate with BYU facilities management to arrange for tables, chairs, stage etc.
4. Manage set-up and take-down

The following committees are currently in need of qualified members:

Grantwell/Proposals: Any students familiar with or interested in NGO evaluation techniques

Film: Any students familiar with or interested in film design and production, as well as a good understanding of the mission and purpose of the film projects (to establish the brand of the Hunger Banquet and communicate it effectively)

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