Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Engineers for International Development and Sudan Roundtable

From EID Kite Building

Two weeks ago, SID's Thursday meeting involved two different meetings. First, we were able to work with another development oragnization on campus, Engineers for International Development.  We helped them make kites out of bags from the BYU bookstore. They will bring them to a village in Peru next year where they will be doing various development projects.

From EID Kite Building

For the second half of the night, we had a roundtable on Southern Sudan. We learned a lot about this region which finds itself grappling with a different set of problems than those faced by the rest of the region. Sudan itself has been in civil war for 39 years of its 53 years of independence. Sudan is home to 41 million people and geographically it is the world's tenth largest country. Over the past several years, Southern Sudan has experienced a large degree of independence. In 2011, there will be a referendum to determine if Southern Sudan will become an independent nation or not.


There are many development issues that have been deeply impacted by the years of war and it appears that there will likely be many years where the future will remain uncertain. However, there are many talented people who are working hard to improve lives in South Sudan.


We heard from several of these people who are making a difference in Southern Sudan. One such organizaiton is the Southern Sudan Alliance. We also heard from Paul Cazier and Africano Mande who are both currently studying at the Naval Postgraduate School. Mr. Mande is an officer in the Southern Sudani military and had some partcularly interesting insights. We also heard from Bart Tippets who has development experience and has made efforts to alleviate hunger in Southern Sudan.


Following presentations by the presenters students were able to interact and learn more about the issues facing Southern Sudan.

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