Thursday, January 14, 2010

Shropshire Music Foundation and Hunger Banquet Committees

For this week's meeting  Liz Shropshire, the founder of the Shropshire Music Foundation spoke to us about her foundation.  When she heard about the conditions in Kosovo in 1999, she wanted to do what she could. She had graduated from BYU with a degree in music. So, she got penny whistles and taught war-affected children how to use them. In the years since, she has expanded the program to Uganda and North Ireland. Through the program, she has been able to create an outlet for kids who are in need. Another element of the program is that local teens are trained to teach the programs. The experience of this ngo demonstrates the ability of people from diverse backgrounds and skill sets to have an impact on development.

Following the presentation by the foundation, the different hunger banquet committees met and helped prepare for the Hunger Banquet and the Hunger Banquet Creative Competition. We had a great turnout for tonight's meeting but we still need a lot of help! Look at the links above to see how you can participate. Right now our focus is particularly on getting a lot of people to participate in the Hunger Banquet Creative Competition. Help reinforce this year's theme of human dignity by participating in the competition.

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