Friday, February 26, 2010

Making announcements about the Hunger Banquet

From the Hunger Banquet wiki here's a great blurb you can send as an email to classmates through blackboard. This is also provides a great way to explain what the Hunger Banquet is when you make announcements in classes.
Hey everybody! This is a quick reminder about the 20th Annual Hunger Banquet coming up this next week on Thursday the 4th and Saturday the 6th. The Hunger Banquet is a student-run event which raises awareness among the student body and money for non-profit organizations. Attendees are sorted into representative world-income distributions (ie most people will be sitting on the floor eating rice and beans while a few select people have tables, waiters, and fancy food like tucanos). We are focusing on the celebration of human dignity, particularly in the field of development. To properly express this theme, there will be several musical performances and a man named Martin Burt coming all the way from Paraguay to speak to us. It is going to be an amazing event. You can buy tickets at the Wilk info desk. Thanks!

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