Thursday, February 25, 2010

One week and counting

Tonight, we had our gallery stroll for the Hunger Banquet Creative Competition. The artwork is amazing. The entries will be on display until the hunger banquet begins next week. It would definitely be worth your time to see the efforts SID members have made to capture the theme of human dignity.

From Creative Competition
The hunger banquet is going to be Thursday from 7:00-9:00PM and Saturday from 7:00-9:00PM. Tickets are 8$ at the Wilkinson Center Information Desk. If there are any available tickets remaining, they will be available at the door.

We can use all the help we can get in preparing and managing the event. There will be a mandatory training meeting for volunteers Wednesday night at 7:30PM in 238 HRCB. The first 200 volunteers will receive a free Hunger Banquet t-shirt.
From Creative Competition
The mood committee mentioned that they would really appreciate any sort of ethnic cloth or materials that we can use to decorate the Wilkinson Center ballroom for the nights of the banquet. We will need help setting up for the banquet at 3:30 both nights and we will need help taking down after the banquet. Please come to the meeting next Thursday for information about that.

During the next week, we all need to help with advertising. There are many things you can do to help advertise. Many people have been wearing cloth labels on their backpacks inviting people to ask about the hunger banquet. We also encourage you to pick one of the hunger banquet posters and put them as your facebook profile until the banquet has been completed. We also will be having a booth in the Wilkinson Center starting tomorrow. We also will have a group passing out fliers at the BYU basketball game on Saturday. Class announcements also will be big. We have fliers available. You also could make an announcement in your elders quorum or relief society.

From Creative Competition
However you advertise, make sure you emphasize the fact that we will be having the banquet on a Thursday and a Saturday this year. Mention that almost all of the money we collect will go directly to organizations that we selected as being the most effective. For some ideas about things to mention when you are talking about the banquet check out the official website.

We have an exciting week ahead of us. Let's keep the great momentum going.

From Creative Competition

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