Thursday, February 18, 2010

14 days to go

Today was the deadline for submission to the Creative Competition. We had a tremendous response. Many of the entries were phenomenal and really built the Hunger Banquet theme of human dignity. Thanks to everyone who participated. In the coming days the Kennedy Center lobby will display many of the entries. Be sure to check them out.

The details have been finalized for everything. The banquet will be Thursday, March 4th from 7:00PM-9:00PM and Saturday, March 6th from 7:00PM-9:00PM. It will be held in the Wilkinson Center ballroom. Tickets are 8$ each and will be available at the information desk in the Wilkinson Center. They will go on sale Monday.

Now it's time to start spreading the word. Make announcements in your classes, pass out fliers, share the facebook event. Remember to explain the idea behind the hunger banquet so people understand what we are trying to accomplish. If you want some ideas on things you might want to mention check out this link.

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